Can You Wish Karma on Someone?

It’s tempting, isn’t it? Someone hurts you, and your first thought might be, "I hope karma gets them." We’ve all been there, silently (or not so silently) wishing the universe would dish out some cosmic justice. 

But here’s the thing: karma is not your personal hitman. It doesn’t work on command or in the way we might hope when we're feeling wronged.

Karma, in its truest form, is neutral. It doesn’t take sides. It’s not good or bad by nature, but simply a law of cause and effect. Put out negativity, you’ll likely get negativity back. Send out kindness, patience, and understanding, and those qualities return to you in some form. This concept should make us think twice about wishing ill on someone, even if they’ve hurt us.

When we wish bad karma on someone, we’re only adding to the negativity in the world—and in our own lives. That desire for vindication, that energy we put into hoping someone "gets what’s coming to them," will inevitably shape our own experiences. You may find that holding onto resentment or hoping for someone else's downfall creates more emotional weight for you to carry. 

It’s hard, of course, to let go when someone behaves badly. But rather than wishing bad karma on others, why not focus on cultivating good karma for yourself? Let their misdeeds be their own burden to bear, and instead, shift your energy toward living with kindness, generosity, and integrity.

Good karma is just as real as bad karma—possibly even more so because it actively improves our lives when we give it space to grow. Every time we act with compassion, every time we choose to forgive, we’re planting seeds for good things to come back to us.

So, can you wish karma on someone? 

Technically, sure. But should you? Probably not. Instead, wish for growth, for healing, and for peace—for yourself, and even for those who have wronged you. That’s where real karmic power lies.


Here's a good "karma" quote for shirt design to remind you of this post (with my affiliate link).
